Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Library Assistant, Public Library
Capturing my day for the Library Day in the Life Project
February? Feels and looks like spring with warm 70 temperatures and daffodils blooming.
Shelve, Shelve, Shelve! our shelver is on vacation and the CDs won't shelve themselves.
AV desk hours - It's midweek and beautiful out so it's a little slower than normal.
Have a wonderful discussion with cataloging colleague on how we determine what is a documentary v nonfiction and what is considered a TV series. More on that to come. Also, World music should be cataloged by language or country?
Lot's of AV issues. I spend a few hours on them. So many are scratched and our resurfacer is not working now - makes me sad. Also - so many cases have been broken into by patrons who forgot to unlock them before they left the library. Do we need better signage? Blog post? More presence at self check for a while?
At 2:45 it's the end of a 4.5 hour, part-time day.